Marietta College’s Bank of America/David and Rosalee McCullough Research Fellowship encourages the scholarly use of special collections at the Legacy Library by providing support for travel, lodging, and food at Marietta, Ohio.
During their two- or four-week residency, fellows will conduct research in the Legacy Library’s Special Collections, present an informal public lecture on their research, and meet with students once or twice in class to engage in discussion. The research and student engagement portions of the residency may take place at different times, though the student engagement portion should occur during a fall or spring semester.
Fellows receive a $500 stipend for a 2-week residency or $1,000 stipend for a 4-week residency, as well as free accommodation in a college-owned apartment and access to on-campus dining facilities for the duration of the residency.
The Special Collections at Legacy Library document the history and culture of the Ohio Valley. The collections located at Legacy Library are centered on the era of the New Nation and the early settlement of Ohio and the Northwest Territory but they are also rich in the history of Ohio, the Mid-Ohio Valley, and the Midwest.
Application deadlines are February 15 and October 15.
Contact Info:
Dr. Douglas Anderson
Director, Legacy Library
Marietta College
215 Fifth Street
Marietta, OH 45750
Contact Email:
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Agnès Delahaye (December 1, 2021). McCullough Research Fellowship. European Early American Studies Association. Retrieved September 13, 2024 from